Kaberi Gayen

  • Academic
  • Researcher
  • Writer

Kaberi Gayen

  • Academic
  • Researcher
  • Writer

Kaberi Gayen is a Bengali academic, author, and social activist known for her outspoken views on the oppression of minorities and gender inequality in Bangladesh.


Communication and contraception in rural Bangladesh

This paper examines the association of communication in explaining the decision of women in rural Bangladesh to use or not to use contraception. Using survey data from villages in Bangladesh, we found that communication is an important influence on the ideational change for a smaller family norm and the practice of contraception. This is evident even when socioeconomic and cultural variables are controlled for. We recommend that to foster the use of contraception, communication factors should be given greater emphasis, especially to target husbands in the family planning program and to improve the image of female children.

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      In Progress


      Voluptas sed necessitatibus repellendus molestiae molestiae tenetur necessitatibus molestiae et aliquid occaecati et aperiam in soluta rem et ducimus deserunt atque quo repellendus consequatur nemo ratione voluptatem omnis omnis earum in explicabo porro quibusdam rerum sit aliquam ex quia necessitatibus consequatur cupiditate quo voluptas iure id ut reprehenderit amet quod quo qui non eius repudiandae omnis animi voluptates quis nobis saepe et ad consequuntur tenetur molestiae blanditiis nisi quae iste ipsa rerum hic quas.