Kaberi Gayen

  • Academic
  • Researcher
  • Writer

Kaberi Gayen

  • Academic
  • Researcher
  • Writer

Kaberi Gayen is a Bengali academic, author, and social activist known for her outspoken views on the oppression of minorities and gender inequality in Bangladesh.


Modelling influences of Communication

Modelling Influences of Communication:
A Study of the Fertility Behaviour of Women in Rural Bangladesh


  • Authors: কাবেরী গায়েন (Author)

  • Topic: বাংলাদেশ বিষয়ক গবেষণা, প্রবন্ধ ও পরিসংখ্যান

  • Length: 428 pages



The study of communication is elemental to the social sciences but fraught with difficulty. In this book a method that merges statistical modeling along with communication and social network analysis is developed and applied to the complex arena of behavior change. The methodology is used to study changes in the fertility behaviour of women in rural Bangladesh. The total fertility rate fell by 48% from 6.3 in 1975 to 3.1 in 2000. This could not be explained by the notions of economic development instead the answer was sought into an ideational shift formed by communication demonstrating the benefits of smaller family. Data were gathered using structured interviews of village women and the application of the methodology proved that fertility behaviour in rural Bangladesh is a manifestation of ideational change to a small family norm, promoted via an all- out communication campaign using both mass media and interpersonal mechanisms. This involved the use of three interrelated concepts – ideational change, social interaction and social networks. The book will be of interest to those in social sciences, community health and economic development.


The study of communication is elemental to the social sciences but fraught with difficulty. In this book a method that merges statistical modeling along with communication and social network analysis is developed and applied to the complex arena of behavior change. The methodology is used to study changes in the fertility behaviour of women in rural Bangladesh. The total fertility rate fell by 48% from 6.3 in 1975 to 3.1 in 2000. This could not be explained by the notions of economic development instead the answer was sought into an ideational shift formed by communication demonstrating the benefits of smaller family. Data were gathered using structured interviews of village women and the application of the methodology proved that fertility behaviour in rural Bangladesh is a manifestation of ideational change to a small family norm, promoted via an all- out communication campaign using both mass media and interpersonal mechanisms. This involved the use of three interrelated concepts – ideational change, social interaction and social networks. The book will be of interest to those in social sciences, community health and economic development.

My publications

So far published these books, thanks to my laziness and reluctance. However, in coming years, I hope to be more prolific about getting them printed!

My publications

So far published these books, thanks to my laziness and reluctance. However, in coming years, I hope to be more prolific about getting them printed!

Slide Vulnerable Empowerment Modelling Influences of
Muktijuddher Cholochitre
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      Voluptas sed necessitatibus repellendus molestiae molestiae tenetur necessitatibus molestiae et aliquid occaecati et aperiam in soluta rem et ducimus deserunt atque quo repellendus consequatur nemo ratione voluptatem omnis omnis earum in explicabo porro quibusdam rerum sit aliquam ex quia necessitatibus consequatur cupiditate quo voluptas iure id ut reprehenderit amet quod quo qui non eius repudiandae omnis animi voluptates quis nobis saepe et ad consequuntur tenetur molestiae blanditiis nisi quae iste ipsa rerum hic quas.